Breakfast Zucchini Pie

2 Servings


6 large egg whites
3 small onions raw
1 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1 dash ground black pepper
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tbsp raw parsley
5 cusp chopped zucchini w/skin raw
2 cloves raw garllic
2 tbsp fresh basil
1 tsp ground oregano
2 oz low moisture mozzarella cheese, part skim


In medium non stick skillet saute pan cook all vegetables and spices except turmeric in 1/2 tsp olive oil until tender. In mixing bowl, whip all eggs and turmeric. In second saute pan heat 1 tsp olive oil, add 1/2 egg mixture and cook until omelet is formed. Repeat until 2 omelettes are made. Place 1 omelette on plate and fill with 1/2 of the vegetable mixture. Repeat for 2nd omelette. Sprinkle with cheese and serve hot.


Calories  : 390
Protein (g)  : 32
Carbohydrates (g) : 37.5
Fat (g) : 14.50
Carb - Protein -  Fat  % Ratio: 37-31-32


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